Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

delete virus on C System Volume Information restore EXE

All Trojan horses are hidden files so you would need to go to the Files Option (click the View tab)at Control Panel and uncheck both the *Hide file extension for known file types & *Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)-boxes, then OK yourself out. You will then need to restart your computer and and go into Safe Mode by holding the F8 key down -(kind of at the beginning of bootup). When you’re at the DeskTop screen go to Start/ Search/ For Files and Folders and type up the NAME OF THE FILE & EXT (not PSW.Briss.C) but the actual name of the file, which would have shown up on your Anti-Virus software. You can delete this file from here, also make sure to empty your Recycle Bin.

I have had 4 trojan horses on my C drive and kinda figured out the above method a week ago. I deleted the Temp file (as these keep putting the same files back into your system) from the Restore folder after unchecking the hidden files boxes, then went to SafeMode to delete what virus files that were still there. My computer is now absolutely FREE of these pests!

P.S. I also have AVG 6.0 (the free one) & also the Ad-aware 6 and I use them every day as my kids love to play games from the Internet.

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

whats going on , servers?

When I started blogging a friend of mine offered to host my blogs on his server. Since I have a couple blogs I’m definitely saving money by his kind donation.

That got me thinking about servers. I’m really lame in the technology department and have no understanding beyond the screen I’m typing on. So I start imagining what a server must be like. In my imagination a server is a giant, archaic looking machine in someone’s basement. It requires oil in the cogs to run smoothly, and has a steam pipe on top where puffs of smoke come out.

In my logical brain however, a server is not a machine at all. It’s an invisible virtual space floating around where several websites reside. It’s hard to imagine that entire corporations exist on a server, and if that server crashes the entire corporation is at a standstill. Come to think of it, if my friend ever got pissed at me and decided to pull the plug, that would be the end of my blogs as I know it!!

How does a server crash anyways? The imagination side of me is convinced that someone forgot to go in the basement and oil the machine. Similar to a car engine seizing. I can’t wrap my head around an inanimate object seizing or crashing. I just know that I don’t think there’s insurance for an accident like that.

I never knew when I started blogging, how addicting it would become. So much that when our serve DID go down once I felt like I’d lost a limb or two!

Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

if routers has providing Best Execution?

Chi-x began trading two years ago, soon to be followed by Turquoise, BATS, NASDAQ OMX and Equiduct. And there will be more. According to the dialogue so far, there are 125 or so MTFs registered with CESR across Europe.

Admittedly, many of these are broker-dealer based systems and services, but there are at least 10 pan-European MTFs registered, with Burgundy the next to launch.

So it’s obvious that not all of them can succeed, but having three or four in each area of service from dark pools to liquid stocks to all markets and eventually to derivatives, bonds, fixed income and other markets certainly seems to be on the cards according to the discussions here so far.

I’ll talk more about the other MTFs tomorrow but right now Chi-x is the one that shouts loudest, probably because it’s been around for longest and has first mover advantage. In fact, unlike BATS, NASDAQ OMX and Equiduct, it also had the advantage of launching well before September r2008 when the credit crisis hit, which is a definite advantage.

So Mark Howarth, the new CEO of Chi-x Europe – my friend Peter Randall left on the day I last blogged about this stuff in depth – stands up and presents some interesting slides.

For example, gross consideration for Chi-x rose steadily through to September 2008 and then dipped away as follows:

Gross Consideration (€ billions)

Q2 07 €1.5
Q3 07 €20.2
Q4 07 €34.6
Q1 08 €74.2
Q2 08 €132.5
Q3 08 €246.3
Q4 08 €205.5
Q1 09 €148.9

Now you may look at those numbers diving since Q3 2008 and think Chi-x should be worried, but that’s not the whole story in that, by the end of Q1 2009, Chi-x proudly claim fifth spot in the European pecking order of exchanges, closely followed by NASDAQ OMX Nordic and Turquoise:

Value of Equity trading, March 2009

Exchange / MTF Order Book Trades Order Book T/Over (EUR m)

1 London Stock Exchange 17,279,867 123,650.0

2 Euronext 15,365,479 116,839.0

3 Deutsche Borse 8,118,311 95,835.8

4 Spanish Exchange (BME) 2,832,093 60,682.8

5 Chi-X Europe 10,554,888 57,168.5

6 Borsa Italiana 6,227,802 45,937.2

7 SWX Europe 2,875,388 45,495.4

8 NASDAQ OMX Nordic 4,802,676 43,150.6

9 Turquoise 3,309,508 22,567.8

10 Oslo Bors 1,240,279 11,397.7

11 BATS Europe 1,760,985 8,277.7

12 SIX Swiss Exchange 462,090 2,802.3

Equally, market share of all the new Exchanges has been steadily rising. For example, the three new MTFs – Chi-x, BATS and Turquoise – are averaging around 20% of the DAX30 daily volume. That’s a wee dent in the Deutsche Bourse’s pie I suspect.

In fact, Mark claims that Chi-x’s research shows that there would be a significant shift in liquidity and market share to Chi-X and the other MTFs from the incumbent exchanges if best price routing were in play. This would be in the order of 17% of all orders for November 2008, 15% in December, 13% in January 2009 and 12% in February. The reason for the decreasing numbers is the decreased volume of trading during these months, rather than any uncompetitive aspects of the new MTF models.

In other words, and I’ve heard this from the other MTFs too, the fact that order routers aren’t smart enough to seek out best price in Europe right now is the reason why the liquidity sticks with the incumbents.

Not sure if true, but Chi-x claim their market share would have been 10.6% higher between November and February if the full price improvement transparency and best execution rules were enforced.

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Earn money from blogging

If you have hobbies to write, you can make it just not a hobby, you can find another profit from it. Write can earn you some money, on way to make a money using blogging. With blogging you can get some money. And actually cause you good to write I think you not difficult to blogging, just learn little some tips and trick how to blogging, you have to do it. Write as your hobby is helpful you to blogging, no matter about the content, cause you have to simple to do it.

Blogging can make we happy and to share what we think to the other people. And its also earn money to our. You can join your blog to blogvertise and get some money and you also take some advertise to it like google adsense or adbride etc..

Actually you don’t need to buy some domain to start blogging, cause some provider has to do it ex: blogspot, wordpress….
you can make your blog like as in your home, what do you want, to share, and every think you want to do.

May for the newbie its seems not to easy, but actually its very easy to do.
Nowdays, blogging is the high way to improve your profit

For more article please see it at this artcle

Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Pengertian Blacklinks

Backlink is a link from other site to your site. A quality backlink is when your site got a link from other site which its content is relevant with your content. You can get quality backlink by submit your site to directory with relevant category or post an article or post a good comment in a blog that its content relevant to your content. Just remember that it just not the number of links but the quality of links.

When you have just created new website, you will want to attract people to visit it. One of the most important tasks for any webmaster is to build up the number of links to the site from other websites. This can be done manually via reciprocal link exchange and directory submission, or by paying other people to do it for you.

Link Vault and Receive Links are automated systems which place your links on other people’s websites, in exchange for placing their links on your website. It is free to sign up, and all websites are categorised so that your links are placed on relevant sites. This is not the same as conventional link exchanges, because none of the links are reciprocal.

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Pengertian RSS dan mengimplementasikannya

1. What is RSS?

RSS is the XML-formatted text file for provision of information. RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. RSS feeds are created by Webmasters with the purpose to supply information to subscribers. RSS feed is the place where it is possible to find whatever you like even that you would never guess it can be found there!

The abbreviation “RSS” refers to special versions that were created throughout all RSS history and the version RSS 2.0 is found to be very easy-to-use since it incorporates changes and modifications of all other versions with advanced specifications. Any RSS feed is a document (often XML-based) which contains content items with web links to longer versions of the texts followed by such information as pubDate and authorship.

2. The way you create RSS

Various editing programs do not require skills to markup web pages in order to create RSS feeds with the help of WYSIWYG-editors. What we need is to place various elements of the page, and the editor creates a HTML code by itself as compared with the text editor where you should manually write all tags. And you might not know XML or the RSS specification.

You don’t need to be a high professional in IT to create RSS feeds, and Feed Editor is the solution for you since it will function as Creator, Editor, Publisher and Podcaster. For more information see:


Another RSS editor, which is suitable for use both by specialists and native users, is Feed Mix. Here you may create, edit and publish the unlimited number of RSS feeds and podcasts. And which is significant you can create a new RSS feed from several others that have already been created. For more information see:


So, you have your RSS feed created. Now you need to transfer your feeds to your Website. For web hosts that support FTP, or the File Transfer Protocol, you need a program called an “FTP client” to transfer the file and this program is already installed for the aforesaid products.

3. Promote RSS

Before starting to promote your feed, check that the XML file is free of errors. You can use this free RSS-validator:


Go to your website and link to your RSS feed once you checked it for correctness. Afterwards special search machines and directories should be advised on your RSS feed. It is possible for you to do it yourself but the most optimum way is to let the special services and software do it for you:

RSS Submit - Promote your RSS feed easily

Needless to say that submitting your RSS feed is very important, as the popularity of your RSS channel mostly depends on visitors coming from search engines. And you’d better place a link to your RSS feed on various forums, boards of notice, blogs, etc.

4. Final provision (create rss)

And as a final provision of success and popularity of you RSS feed it should be not only visited by more people but also it should attract permanent visitors who support and comment on it. To achieve this RSS feeds should really contain unexpected and interesting information, more to say exclusive one to attract people. Your feed should be free from pushy adds-on. To seize the attraction of readers your messages should not be too big in volume and free from loads of enclosures.

The optimum and successful RSS feed is the updated one that therewith meets requirements of your readers

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

what people say about social marketers

We simply asked, “What question about marketing with social media do you most want answered?” A significant 685 people provided their open-ended responses. We clustered them into groups and ranked them below.These are the top questions marketing professionals want answered regarding social media marketing:

#1: What are the best tactics to use?

The top question marketers want answered is related to best practices and tactics. A sampling of some of those questions include:

• Which social media method has been the most successful overall and how have you used that method?

• How do I stand out while creating strategic partnerships with those in the same field?

• How can social media help to build our brand and reinforce our credibility among consumers?

• Can using blogs, short videos, tweets and status updates help us market our core products, or do they just get in the way of our message?

• Is it true that social media marketing is better suited for branding than direct response?

#2: How do I measure the effectiveness of social media?

The next biggest question on people’s minds can be summarized as, “How can I know if campaigns are working and what will the return be?” A sampling of questions in this category include:

• How do you measure success?

• What is the return on investment? Silly thing, but management needs it.

• What metrics are translatable in real terms that we can use as proof points or milestones?

• How do I assess return on investment and measure the impact on brand valuation?

#3: Where do I start?

A large percentage of marketers want to know where to begin with social media marketing. Some common questions include:

• Is there a system or a plan that can be reproduced? Such as, “start here, go here, then here and then here…”

• I want to better incorporate social media into my marketing efforts, but there are so many options that I don’t know where to begin. Where are the best places to start?

• How do newbies like me get started?

#4: How do I manage the social balance?

Understanding the balance between behaving properly and marketing is a common question people want answered. Here are a few related questions:

• How do I respect the medium and maintain proper etiquette for each social media outlet?

• How carefully should we proceed with social media, so what’s meant to be “social” doesn’t turn out to be “business” only?

• Are there online protocols for beginners so we don’t break the “unspoken rules” that experienced marketers know about already?

#5: What are the best sites and tools out there?

Given the endless array of social media options, it’s no surprise that marketers want to fast-track their experience by focusing on the sites and tools that will bring the greatest return. Here are a few sample questions from this cluster group:

• Which social media sites should I concentrate my efforts on?

• What are the top three most effective and easiest to implement social media tools?

• What social media platforms are customers going to be looking at in three months and three years from now?

• Which elements are persistent and long-term versus those that are fads?

• What sites are best to use for my market?

#6: How do I make the most of my available time?

Many who have already begun marketing with social media recognize the enormous amount of time that can be directed to such efforts. Managing the time sink is a common question. Here are a few samples from this category:

• How do I keep up without getting consumed?

• How can I aggregate and automate social media marketing so that it’s less time-consuming?

• How do people cope with thousands of followers?

#7: How do I find and focus my efforts on my target audience?

Because of the broad nature of many social media sites, it’s no surprise that marketers want to know how to narrow their efforts to an audience that matches their desired demographics. Here are a few questions from this grouping:

• How do I reach my “target” customers/business partners and drive traffic to my site or blog?

• What are the practical ways to use social media for more of a niche market?

• How can I target social media marketing tools to my target market?

• How can I best find people who are interested in the same things I am?

#8: How do I convert my social media marketing efforts into tangible results?

Moving from effort to actual income is a question many marketers want answered. What follows are a few questions from this category:

• How do I convert lookers to prospects?

• How do we create cash flow?

• How do I move from Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook activities to a sale?

• What generates sales and what generates business?

• How do I monetize social media marketing?

#9: How do I cohesively tie different social media efforts together?

Can social media and traditional media work together? Is there a way to manage all the social media campaigns in one central location? These are the types of questions marketers are seeking answers to in this category. Here’s a few more:

• How do I tie all the pieces together into one cohesive strategy?

• Are there any apps that will let me use several social media tools at once for my marketing campaigns?

• How can we aggregate various social media channels into a single view so we reduce the amount of time required to visit numerous sites and see a holistic view of the social spheres we’re part of?

• How do we integrate social media into our traditional media?

#10: Does social media marketing work, and if so, how effective is it?

Surprisingly, this is question number 10. Marketers want to know if social media marketing really works. Here are some related questions in this category:

• Where are the documented real success stories?

• Does it really work, or is it just a great idea that doesn’t return real value?

• Does anybody know how it really works?

• Where’s the money?

5 Bonus Questions: Here are a few more questions that did not make our top 10 list. Each of these questions was asked by between 12 and 19 different people.

• How do I get others to see the value and get involved?

• What does the future look like?

• How do I manage the complexity?

• How do I attract traffic to my efforts?

• Is it cost-effective?

SUMMARY: One in three marketers indicated identifying the best practices, measuring results and knowing where to begin as their top questions when marketing with social media. As you can see by examining the above list, marketers have asked some excellent questions. The remainder of this report will attempt to answer some of those questions, including the most commonly used social media tools, those that are on the

growth path, the time commitment, and how social media marketing benefits businesses that have been doing this for a while.

Yahoo Matikan 12 Layanan

Berikut adalah daftar lengkap layanan Yahoo yang akan dihentikan: 1. Yahoo Axis, browser plug-in (28 Juni) 2. Yahoo Browser Plus, layan...