hope you can find, search, what you want to know here............................................ keep in study and just share it
Minggu, 05 Juli 2009
Bagaimana mengatur Getaran di BlackBerry
BlackBerry mempunyai Aplikasi gratis yang bisa digunakan untuk memastikan bergetar saat ringtone bunyi yaitu BUZZ mE.
Aplikasi ini mensupport BlackBerry dengan sistem operasi 4.2 ke atas, 4.5 atau 4.7.
Selain versi gratisannya, ada aplikasi BuzzMe Pro yang berbayar kelebihannya adalah pengguna BlackBerry bisa mengatur getarannya dengan lebih detil. Misalnya menambahkan fungsi getar untuk SMS dan e-mail.
Jumat, 03 Juli 2009
Versi Yahoo Messenger terbaru: Yahoo Messanger 10
Yang mempunyai beberapa perubahan:
- Y! Updates Tab
- Support beberapa bahasa asing, termasuk Indonesia
- Pengguna dapat mengakses My Pingbox
- Pengguna dapat mengatur pilihan I broadcast update
- Pengguna dapat mengakses My Pingbox ( membutuhkan Adobe Flash versi terakhir)
Rabu, 01 Juli 2009
Asal Mula Java (systory of java language)
Proyek tersebut belum menggunakan versi yang dinamakan Oak.
Proyek ini dimotori oleh:
- Patrick Naughton,
- Mike Sheridan,
- James Gosling dan
- Bill Joy,
- dan sembilan pemrogram lainnya dari Sun Microsystems.
Salah satu hasil proyek ini adalah maskot Duke yang dibuat oleh Joe Palrang.
Pertemuan proyek berlangsung di sebuah gedung perkantoran Sand Hill Road di Menlo Park.
Sekitar musim panas 1992 proyek ini ditutup dengan menghasilkan sebuah program Java Oak pertama, yang ditujukan sebagai pengendali sebuah peralatan dengan teknologi layar sentuh (touch screen),
seperti pada PDA sekarang ini. Teknologi baru ini dinamai “*7? (Star Seven).
Setelah era Star Seven selesai, sebuah anak perusahaan TV kabel tertarik ditambah beberapa orang dari proyek The Green Project.
Mereka memusatkan kegiatannya pada sebuah ruangan kantor di 100 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto.
Perusahaan baru ini bertambah maju: jumlah karyawan meningkat dalam waktu singkat dari 13 menjadi 70 orang. Pada rentang waktu ini juga ditetapkan pemakaian Internet sebagai medium yang
menjembatani kerja dan ide di antara mereka.
Pada awal tahun 1990-an, Internet masih merupakan rintisan, yang dipakai hanya di kalangan akademisi dan militer. Mereka menjadikan perambah (browser) Mosaic sebagai landasan awal untuk
membuat perambah Java pertama yang dinamai Web Runner, terinsipirasi dari film 1980-an, Blade Runner. Pada perkembangan rilis pertama, Web Runner berganti nama menjadi Hot Java.
Pada sekitar bulan Maret 1995, untuk pertama kali kode sumber Java versi 1.0a2 dibuka. Kesuksesan mereka diikuti dengan untuk pemberitaan pertama kali
pada surat kabar San Jose Mercury News pada tanggal 23 Mei 1995. Sayang terjadi perpecahan di antara mereka suatu hari pada pukul 04.00 di sebuah ruangan hotel Sheraton Palace.
Tiga dari pimpinan utama proyek, Eric Schmidt dan George Paolini dari Sun Microsystems bersama Marc Andreessen, membentuk Netscape.
Nama Oak, diambil dari pohon oak yang tumbuh di depan jendela ruangan kerja “bapak java”, James Gosling.
Nama Oak ini tidak dipakai untuk versi release Java karena sebuah perangkat lunak sudah terdaftar dengan merek dagang tersebut, sehingga diambil nama penggantinya menjadi “Java”.
Nama ini diambil dari kopi murni yang digiling langsung dari biji (kopi tubruk) kesukaan Gosling.
Selasa, 30 Juni 2009
Versi Terbaru Mozilla : Firefox 3.5
Firefox 3.5 mempunyai fitur baru sebagai berikut:
- Engine Javascript baru untuk akses aplikasi web yang lebih cepat
- Menampilkan video di halaman web tanpa membutuhkan plug-in
- Modus browsing tersembunyi (Private Browsing)
- Font yang bisa diunduh untuk halaman web
- Teknologi geolocation yang memungkinkan halaman situs mengetahui lokasi fisik pengguna
Browser terbaru ini tersedia untuk sistem operasi Windows, Mac dan Linux. dan sudah bisa didapatkan melalui situs Mozilla atau lewat fitur update di browser Firefox 3.x
Between Blogging and Education
in all social community. What can they do in internet, one of them are blogging. I think
blogging education its important, that can be earn money instead to share our opinion for
everything we think.
As we know its very simple to reach the internet, get some fiture on internet to encourage
us to expose any idea to blogging, mush feature have been provide to help us enhanced what
we wont to use.
Most of people may be share their experience in the blog. So many people in the world can
see it. Its seem as to share a information’s. the key is don’t niggardly to share what you
know, cause if we share to the other may we will get inspirations from then and get the new
experience from them.
So don’t stringy to the other, always improve your education and share it to the other.
Blogging can make you happy, its need a creatively actually its can be a education to us,
improve our perform and also can get some money. With blogging it’s a simple think.
Finally, I am invite you to join blogging and earn money. Hope its be education to us.
Don’t be afraid to be creative.
You also study for earn money from blogging
Kamis, 25 Juni 2009
How to blocking advertisements and tracking sites?
Leaving aside the moral aspect of blocking advertisements, a personal firewall is not the best tool for that anyway. This is not the main purpose of a firewall, and neither its main strength. Some of them can block some of the advertisements from being downloaded, if you know how to configure them for that. Yet, there are better tools for that, such as Proxomitron (http://www.proxomitron.org), CookieCop 2 (search for the word cookiecop on http://www.pcmag.com), or Naviscope (http://www.naviscope.com), and there are many other programs as well. You may check for other alternatives, e.g. in Tucows (http://www.tucows.com/adkiller95.html).
Also here, a personal firewall is not the best tool for that, and there are other tools and ways which are more effective. These are cookie utilities. Since a tracking site uses a cookie to identify and relate the information gathered to the same person (or computer), by preventing the cookie from being installed. The tracking site will lose its ability to track things. There are plenty of cookie management utilities. Some of them are freeware, and some are not. CookieCop which was mentioned in the former section is one of them. WebWasher (http://www.webwasher.com) is another recommended one, and there are plenty of other alternatives such as cookie-crusher, cookie-pal, pop-up killer, etc. You may search for other alternatives, in Tucows (http://www.tucows.com/cookie95.html).
Kamis, 18 Juni 2009
List content of a FTP
Listing the content of a FTP is very simple.
You will need FTP Content Maker, which can be downloaded from here:
1. Put in the IP of the server. Do not put “ftp://” or a “/” because it will not work if you do so.
2. Put in the port. If the port is the default number, 21, you do not have to enter it.
3. Put in the username and password in the appropriate fields. If the login is anonymous, you do not have to enter it.
4. If you want to list a specific directory of the FTP, place it in the directory field. Otherwise, do not enter anything in the directory field.
5. Click “Take the List!”
6. After the list has been taken, click the UBB output tab, and copy and paste to wherever you want it.
If FTP Content Maker is not working, it is probably because the server does not utilize Serv-U Software.
If you get this error message:
StatusCode = 550
LastResponse was : ‘Unable to open local file test-ftp’
Error = 550 (Unable to open local file test-ftp)
Error = Unable to open local file test-ftp = 550
Close and restart FTP Content Maker, then try again.
error messages:
110 Restart marker reply. In this case, the text is exact and not left to the particular implementation; it must read: MARK yyyy = mmmm Where yyyy is User-process data stream marker, and mmmm server’s equivalent marker (note the spaces between markers and “=”).
120 Service ready in nnn minutes.
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
200 Command okay.
202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.
211 System status, or system help reply.
212 Directory status.
213 File status.
214 Help message. On how to use the server or the meaning of a particular non-standard command. This reply is useful only to the human user.
215 NAME system type. Where NAME is an official system name from the list in the Assigned Numbers document.
220 Service ready for new user.
221 Service closing control connection. Logged out if appropriate.
225 Data connection open; no transfer in progress.
226 Closing data connection. Requested file action successful (for example, file transfer or file abort).
227 Entering Passive Mode (h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2).
230 User logged in, proceed.
250 Requested file action okay, completed.
257 “PATHNAME” created.
331 User name okay, need password.
332 Need account for login.
350 Requested file action pending further information.
421 Too many users logged to the same account
425 Can’t open data connection.
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
450 Requested file action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file busy).
451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing.
452 Requested action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system.
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. This may include errors such as command line too long.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
502 Command not implemented.
503 Bad sequence of commands.
504 Command not implemented for that parameter.
530 Not logged in.
532 Need account for storing files.
550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).
551 Requested action aborted: page type unknown.
552 Requested file action aborted. Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or dataset).
553 Requested action not taken. File name not allowed.
Kamis, 04 Juni 2009
Bagaimana cara membuat jaringan dengan metode peer to peer ( ad hoc )
Banyak metode digunakan untuk konfigurasi jaringan Ad-Hoc, berikut adalah salah satu contoh sederhana dan tahapan dalam mengkonfigurasi jaringan Ad-Hoc wireless LAN.
1. Dibutuhkan “wireless network card” pada masing-masing komputer.
2. Masuk ke “network card properties” dan set SSID dengan nama tertentu (unique). Pastikan bahwa anda mengkonfigure SSID dengan nama yang sama untuk masing-masing komputer. Jika tidak sama, jaringan tidak akan terhubung.
3. Masuk ke “network card properties” dan set “channel” untuk jaringan wireless yang akan digunakan. Pastikan anda mengkonfigurasi channel dengan angka yang sama untuk masing-masing komputer. Jika tidak, jaringan tidak akan terhubung.
4. Set IP LAN static pada kedua komputer. Patikan anda mengkonfigurasi IP komputer tersebut dalam satu subnet dan range yang sama. Jika anda set IP pada satu komputer, pastikan komputer lainnya di set juga pada range (
5. Set “network card” pada mode “ad-hoc”, bukan “infrastructure”.
Dengan konfigurasi diatas, seharusnya jaringan ad-hoc anda sudah bisa berjalan normal.
Misal, salah satu PC anda terhubung ke internet, dan PC satu lagi ingin ikut/numpang dalam mengakses internet, anda bisa mengaktifkan fungsi Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) pada OS Windows, berikut tahapannya:
1. Aktifkan “ICS” pada PC yang memiliki koneksi internet. Catat alamat IP PC ini, yang akan menjadi komputer “host”.
2. Set “default gateway” “network card” pada PC yang kedua ke alamat IP komputer “host” (refer ke No.1).
3. Set “DNS server” untuk PC yang kedua dengan alamat IP DNS dari ISP anda.
Perlu diingat bahwa dengan “Internet Connection Sharing” (ICS) via ad-hoc wireless LAN, komputer “host” harus selalu “ON”, jika anda ingin PC kedua bisa mengakses internet.
Tahapan Test Koneksi untuk PC Windows :
1. Klik Start.
2. Klik Run.
3. Ketik “cmd”.
4. Ketik “ping x.x.x.x”, dimana x.x.x.x adalah alamat IP dari salah satu PC.
5. Jika “ping is successful”, maka jaringan anda sudah UP dan anda memiliki “full connectivity”
Selasa, 02 Juni 2009
Kunci jawaban Kuis Mensa
No. | Cryptic | Answer | |||
0 | 24 H in a D | 24 hours in a day | TRUE | ||
1 | 26 L of the A | 26 letters of the Alphabet | TRUE | ||
2 | 7 D of the W | 7 days of the week | TRUE | ||
3 | 7 W of the W | 7 wonders of the world | TRUE | ||
4 | 12 S of the Z | 12 signs of the zodiac | TRUE | ||
5 | 66 B of the B | 66 books of the bible | TRUE | ||
6 | 52 C in a P (WJs) | 52 cards in a pack (without jokers) | TRUE | ||
7 | 13 S in the USF | 13 stripes in the united states flag | TRUE | ||
8 | 18 H on a G C | 18 holes on a golf course | TRUE | ||
9 | 39 B of the O T | 39 books of the old testament | TRUE | ||
10 | 5 T on a F | 5 toes on a foot | TRUE | ||
11 | 90 D in a R A | 90 degrees in a right angle | TRUE | ||
12 | 3 B M (S H T R) | 3 blind mice (see how they run) | TRUE | ||
13 | 32 is the T in D F at which W F | 32 is the temperature in degrees fahrenheit at which water freezes | TRUE | ||
14 | 15 P in a R T | 15 Players in a rugby team | TRUE | ||
15 | 3 W on a T | 3 wheels on a tricycle | TRUE | ||
16 | 100 C in a R | 100 cents in a rand | TRUE | ||
17 | 11 P in a F (S) T | 11 Players in a football (soccer) Team | TRUE | ||
18 | 12 M in a Y | 12 Months in a Year | TRUE | ||
19 | 13 = UFS | 13 is Unlucky for some | TRUE | ||
20 | 8 T on an O | 8 tentacles on a octopus | TRUE | ||
21 | 29 D in F in a L Y | 29 days in february in a Leap year | TRUE | ||
22 | 27 B in the N T | 27 books in the new testament | TRUE | ||
23 | 365 D in a Y | 365 days in a year | TRUE | ||
24 | 13 L in a B D | 13 loaves in a bakers dozen | TRUE | ||
25 | 52 W in a Y | 52 weeks in a year | TRUE | ||
26 | 9 L of a C | 9 lives of a cat | TRUE | ||
27 | 60 M in an H | 60 Minutes in a Hour | TRUE | ||
28 | 23 P of C in the H B | 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human body | TRUE | ||
29 | 64 S on a C B | 64 Squares on a chess board | TRUE | ||
30 | 9 P in S A | 9 Provinces in south africa | TRUE | ||
31 | 6 B to an O in C | 6 BALLS to an over in cricket | TRUE | ||
32 | 1000 Y in a M | 1000 years in a Millennium | TRUE | ||
33 | 15 M on a D M C | 15 Men on a dead man's chest | TRUE | ||
YOU SCORED | 33 | ||||
Jumat, 22 Mei 2009
delete virus on C System Volume Information restore EXE
All Trojan horses are hidden files so you would need to go to the Files Option (click the View tab)at Control Panel and uncheck both the *Hide file extension for known file types & *Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)-boxes, then OK yourself out. You will then need to restart your computer and and go into Safe Mode by holding the F8 key down -(kind of at the beginning of bootup). When you’re at the DeskTop screen go to Start/ Search/ For Files and Folders and type up the NAME OF THE FILE & EXT (not PSW.Briss.C) but the actual name of the file, which would have shown up on your Anti-Virus software. You can delete this file from here, also make sure to empty your Recycle Bin.
I have had 4 trojan horses on my C drive and kinda figured out the above method a week ago. I deleted the Temp file (as these keep putting the same files back into your system) from the Restore folder after unchecking the hidden files boxes, then went to SafeMode to delete what virus files that were still there. My computer is now absolutely FREE of these pests!
P.S. I also have AVG 6.0 (the free one) & also the Ad-aware 6 and I use them every day as my kids love to play games from the Internet.
Rabu, 13 Mei 2009
whats going on , servers?
When I started blogging a friend of mine offered to host my blogs on his server. Since I have a couple blogs I’m definitely saving money by his kind donation.
That got me thinking about servers. I’m really lame in the technology department and have no understanding beyond the screen I’m typing on. So I start imagining what a server must be like. In my imagination a server is a giant, archaic looking machine in someone’s basement. It requires oil in the cogs to run smoothly, and has a steam pipe on top where puffs of smoke come out.
In my logical brain however, a server is not a machine at all. It’s an invisible virtual space floating around where several websites reside. It’s hard to imagine that entire corporations exist on a server, and if that server crashes the entire corporation is at a standstill. Come to think of it, if my friend ever got pissed at me and decided to pull the plug, that would be the end of my blogs as I know it!!
How does a server crash anyways? The imagination side of me is convinced that someone forgot to go in the basement and oil the machine. Similar to a car engine seizing. I can’t wrap my head around an inanimate object seizing or crashing. I just know that I don’t think there’s insurance for an accident like that.
I never knew when I started blogging, how addicting it would become. So much that when our serve DID go down once I felt like I’d lost a limb or two!
Jumat, 08 Mei 2009
if routers has providing Best Execution?
Admittedly, many of these are broker-dealer based systems and services, but there are at least 10 pan-European MTFs registered, with Burgundy the next to launch.
So it’s obvious that not all of them can succeed, but having three or four in each area of service from dark pools to liquid stocks to all markets and eventually to derivatives, bonds, fixed income and other markets certainly seems to be on the cards according to the discussions here so far.
I’ll talk more about the other MTFs tomorrow but right now Chi-x is the one that shouts loudest, probably because it’s been around for longest and has first mover advantage. In fact, unlike BATS, NASDAQ OMX and Equiduct, it also had the advantage of launching well before September r2008 when the credit crisis hit, which is a definite advantage.
So Mark Howarth, the new CEO of Chi-x Europe – my friend Peter Randall left on the day I last blogged about this stuff in depth – stands up and presents some interesting slides.
For example, gross consideration for Chi-x rose steadily through to September 2008 and then dipped away as follows:
Gross Consideration (€ billions)
Q2 07 €1.5
Q3 07 €20.2
Q4 07 €34.6
Q1 08 €74.2
Q2 08 €132.5
Q3 08 €246.3
Q4 08 €205.5
Q1 09 €148.9
Now you may look at those numbers diving since Q3 2008 and think Chi-x should be worried, but that’s not the whole story in that, by the end of Q1 2009, Chi-x proudly claim fifth spot in the European pecking order of exchanges, closely followed by NASDAQ OMX Nordic and Turquoise:
Value of Equity trading, March 2009
Exchange / MTF Order Book Trades Order Book T/Over (EUR m)
1 London Stock Exchange 17,279,867 123,650.0
2 Euronext 15,365,479 116,839.0
3 Deutsche Borse 8,118,311 95,835.8
4 Spanish Exchange (BME) 2,832,093 60,682.8
5 Chi-X Europe 10,554,888 57,168.5
6 Borsa Italiana 6,227,802 45,937.2
7 SWX Europe 2,875,388 45,495.4
8 NASDAQ OMX Nordic 4,802,676 43,150.6
9 Turquoise 3,309,508 22,567.8
10 Oslo Bors 1,240,279 11,397.7
11 BATS Europe 1,760,985 8,277.7
12 SIX Swiss Exchange 462,090 2,802.3
Equally, market share of all the new Exchanges has been steadily rising. For example, the three new MTFs – Chi-x, BATS and Turquoise – are averaging around 20% of the DAX30 daily volume. That’s a wee dent in the Deutsche Bourse’s pie I suspect.
In fact, Mark claims that Chi-x’s research shows that there would be a significant shift in liquidity and market share to Chi-X and the other MTFs from the incumbent exchanges if best price routing were in play. This would be in the order of 17% of all orders for November 2008, 15% in December, 13% in January 2009 and 12% in February. The reason for the decreasing numbers is the decreased volume of trading during these months, rather than any uncompetitive aspects of the new MTF models.
In other words, and I’ve heard this from the other MTFs too, the fact that order routers aren’t smart enough to seek out best price in Europe right now is the reason why the liquidity sticks with the incumbents.
Not sure if true, but Chi-x claim their market share would have been 10.6% higher between November and February if the full price improvement transparency and best execution rules were enforced.
Kamis, 07 Mei 2009
Earn money from blogging
Blogging can make we happy and to share what we think to the other people. And its also earn money to our. You can join your blog to blogvertise and get some money and you also take some advertise to it like google adsense or adbride etc..
Actually you don’t need to buy some domain to start blogging, cause some provider has to do it ex: blogspot, wordpress….
you can make your blog like as in your home, what do you want, to share, and every think you want to do.
May for the newbie its seems not to easy, but actually its very easy to do.
Nowdays, blogging is the high way to improve your profit
For more article please see it at this artcle
Rabu, 06 Mei 2009
Pengertian Blacklinks
Backlink is a link from other site to your site. A quality backlink is when your site got a link from other site which its content is relevant with your content. You can get quality backlink by submit your site to directory with relevant category or post an article or post a good comment in a blog that its content relevant to your content. Just remember that it just not the number of links but the quality of links.
When you have just created new website, you will want to attract people to visit it. One of the most important tasks for any webmaster is to build up the number of links to the site from other websites. This can be done manually via reciprocal link exchange and directory submission, or by paying other people to do it for you.
Link Vault and Receive Links are automated systems which place your links on other people’s websites, in exchange for placing their links on your website. It is free to sign up, and all websites are categorised so that your links are placed on relevant sites. This is not the same as conventional link exchanges, because none of the links are reciprocal.
Selasa, 05 Mei 2009
Pengertian RSS dan mengimplementasikannya
1. What is RSS?
RSS is the XML-formatted text file for provision of information. RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. RSS feeds are created by Webmasters with the purpose to supply information to subscribers. RSS feed is the place where it is possible to find whatever you like even that you would never guess it can be found there!
The abbreviation “RSS” refers to special versions that were created throughout all RSS history and the version RSS 2.0 is found to be very easy-to-use since it incorporates changes and modifications of all other versions with advanced specifications. Any RSS feed is a document (often XML-based) which contains content items with web links to longer versions of the texts followed by such information as pubDate and authorship.
2. The way you create RSS
Various editing programs do not require skills to markup web pages in order to create RSS feeds with the help of WYSIWYG-editors. What we need is to place various elements of the page, and the editor creates a HTML code by itself as compared with the text editor where you should manually write all tags. And you might not know XML or the RSS specification.
You don’t need to be a high professional in IT to create RSS feeds, and Feed Editor is the solution for you since it will function as Creator, Editor, Publisher and Podcaster. For more information see:
Another RSS editor, which is suitable for use both by specialists and native users, is Feed Mix. Here you may create, edit and publish the unlimited number of RSS feeds and podcasts. And which is significant you can create a new RSS feed from several others that have already been created. For more information see:
So, you have your RSS feed created. Now you need to transfer your feeds to your Website. For web hosts that support FTP, or the File Transfer Protocol, you need a program called an “FTP client” to transfer the file and this program is already installed for the aforesaid products.
3. Promote RSS
Before starting to promote your feed, check that the XML file is free of errors. You can use this free RSS-validator:
Go to your website and link to your RSS feed once you checked it for correctness. Afterwards special search machines and directories should be advised on your RSS feed. It is possible for you to do it yourself but the most optimum way is to let the special services and software do it for you:
RSS Submit - Promote your RSS feed easily
Needless to say that submitting your RSS feed is very important, as the popularity of your RSS channel mostly depends on visitors coming from search engines. And you’d better place a link to your RSS feed on various forums, boards of notice, blogs, etc.
4. Final provision (create rss)
And as a final provision of success and popularity of you RSS feed it should be not only visited by more people but also it should attract permanent visitors who support and comment on it. To achieve this RSS feeds should really contain unexpected and interesting information, more to say exclusive one to attract people. Your feed should be free from pushy adds-on. To seize the attraction of readers your messages should not be too big in volume and free from loads of enclosures.
Jumat, 01 Mei 2009
what people say about social marketers
We simply asked, “What question about marketing with social media do you most want answered?” A significant 685 people provided their open-ended responses. We clustered them into groups and ranked them below.These are the top questions marketing professionals want answered regarding social media marketing:
#1: What are the best tactics to use?
The top question marketers want answered is related to best practices and tactics. A sampling of some of those questions include:
• Which social media method has been the most successful overall and how have you used that method?
• How do I stand out while creating strategic partnerships with those in the same field?
• How can social media help to build our brand and reinforce our credibility among consumers?
• Can using blogs, short videos, tweets and status updates help us market our core products, or do they just get in the way of our message?
• Is it true that social media marketing is better suited for branding than direct response?
#2: How do I measure the effectiveness of social media?
The next biggest question on people’s minds can be summarized as, “How can I know if campaigns are working and what will the return be?” A sampling of questions in this category include:
• How do you measure success?
• What is the return on investment? Silly thing, but management needs it.
• What metrics are translatable in real terms that we can use as proof points or milestones?
• How do I assess return on investment and measure the impact on brand valuation?
#3: Where do I start?
A large percentage of marketers want to know where to begin with social media marketing. Some common questions include:
• Is there a system or a plan that can be reproduced? Such as, “start here, go here, then here and then here…”
• I want to better incorporate social media into my marketing efforts, but there are so many options that I don’t know where to begin. Where are the best places to start?
• How do newbies like me get started?
#4: How do I manage the social balance?
Understanding the balance between behaving properly and marketing is a common question people want answered. Here are a few related questions:
• How do I respect the medium and maintain proper etiquette for each social media outlet?
• How carefully should we proceed with social media, so what’s meant to be “social” doesn’t turn out to be “business” only?
• Are there online protocols for beginners so we don’t break the “unspoken rules” that experienced marketers know about already?
#5: What are the best sites and tools out there?
Given the endless array of social media options, it’s no surprise that marketers want to fast-track their experience by focusing on the sites and tools that will bring the greatest return. Here are a few sample questions from this cluster group:
• Which social media sites should I concentrate my efforts on?
• What are the top three most effective and easiest to implement social media tools?
• What social media platforms are customers going to be looking at in three months and three years from now?
• Which elements are persistent and long-term versus those that are fads?
• What sites are best to use for my market?
#6: How do I make the most of my available time?
Many who have already begun marketing with social media recognize the enormous amount of time that can be directed to such efforts. Managing the time sink is a common question. Here are a few samples from this category:
• How do I keep up without getting consumed?
• How can I aggregate and automate social media marketing so that it’s less time-consuming?
• How do people cope with thousands of followers?
#7: How do I find and focus my efforts on my target audience?
Because of the broad nature of many social media sites, it’s no surprise that marketers want to know how to narrow their efforts to an audience that matches their desired demographics. Here are a few questions from this grouping:
• How do I reach my “target” customers/business partners and drive traffic to my site or blog?
• What are the practical ways to use social media for more of a niche market?
• How can I target social media marketing tools to my target market?
• How can I best find people who are interested in the same things I am?
#8: How do I convert my social media marketing efforts into tangible results?
Moving from effort to actual income is a question many marketers want answered. What follows are a few questions from this category:
• How do I convert lookers to prospects?
• How do we create cash flow?
• How do I move from Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook activities to a sale?
• What generates sales and what generates business?
• How do I monetize social media marketing?
#9: How do I cohesively tie different social media efforts together?
Can social media and traditional media work together? Is there a way to manage all the social media campaigns in one central location? These are the types of questions marketers are seeking answers to in this category. Here’s a few more:
• How do I tie all the pieces together into one cohesive strategy?
• Are there any apps that will let me use several social media tools at once for my marketing campaigns?
• How can we aggregate various social media channels into a single view so we reduce the amount of time required to visit numerous sites and see a holistic view of the social spheres we’re part of?
• How do we integrate social media into our traditional media?
#10: Does social media marketing work, and if so, how effective is it?
Surprisingly, this is question number 10. Marketers want to know if social media marketing really works. Here are some related questions in this category:
• Where are the documented real success stories?
• Does it really work, or is it just a great idea that doesn’t return real value?
• Does anybody know how it really works?
• Where’s the money?
5 Bonus Questions: Here are a few more questions that did not make our top 10 list. Each of these questions was asked by between 12 and 19 different people.
• How do I get others to see the value and get involved?
• What does the future look like?
• How do I manage the complexity?
• How do I attract traffic to my efforts?
• Is it cost-effective?
SUMMARY: One in three marketers indicated identifying the best practices, measuring results and knowing where to begin as their top questions when marketing with social media. As you can see by examining the above list, marketers have asked some excellent questions. The remainder of this report will attempt to answer some of those questions, including the most commonly used social media tools, those that are on the
growth path, the time commitment, and how social media marketing benefits businesses that have been doing this for a while.
Kamis, 30 April 2009
Behind blog advertise
in the delivery of information. one of them is to blog advertise. Blog advertise we can provide income from blog, we can use a blog to earn some money in its seem very simple and interested. and blog advertise will pay if we are already approved.
For many people who do not easily believe about the activities,
because previously I also do not believe, but this paper will make us more confident,
How do I actually blog advertise job, as human may be we did not want to do things that hurt themselves.
Well how about the following will explain how the blog adsvertise work, in blog advertise have 3 parties, the first party is the party that provide space for the ads, the two parties are parties that will put the ads. The third is the blogger who is on of way from the first party to make big market advertise. The second goal is that many people may know about them, how the first party to advertise it and so populer, the first party will find a way so that people can see them advertise in other words the more people that see advertise the desire to know will be the larger the .
its very logic and real and it can be trusted, because blogger is paid by the first party. And the first party have income for the second party have been take ads on their advertise. You can try it and trust it and see below advertise on blogs
Selasa, 28 April 2009
Arti Port addressing pada jaringan
Port numbers are assigned in various ways, depending on whether the message is a request or a response. While server processes have static port numbers assigned to them, clients dynamically choose a port number for each conversation.
When a client application sends a request to a server application, the destination port contained in the header is the port number that is assigned to the service daemon running on the remote host. The client software must know what port number is associated with the server process on the remote host. This destination port number is configured, either by default or manually. For example, when a web browser application makes a request to a web server, the browser uses TCP and port number 80 unless otherwise specified. This is because TCP port 80 is the default port assigned to web-serving applications. Many common applications have default port assignments.
The source port in a segment or datagram header of a client request is randomly generated. As long as it does not conflict with other ports in use on the system, the client can choose any port number. This port number acts like a return address for the requesting application. The Transport layer keeps track of this port and the application that initiated the request so that when a response is returned, it can be forwarded to the correct application. The requesting application port number is used as the destination port number in the response coming back from the server.
The combination of the Transport layer port number and the Network layer IP address assigned to the host uniquely identifies a particular process running on a specific host device. This combination is called a socket. Occasionally, you may find the terms port number and socket used interchangeably. In the context of this course, the term socket refers only to the unique combination of IP address and port number. A socket pair, consisting of the source and destination IP addresses and port numbers, is also unique and identifies the conversation between the two hosts.
For example, an HTTP web page request being sent to a web server (port 80) running on a host with a Layer 3 IPv4 address of would be destined to socket
If the web browser requesting the web page is running on host and the Dynamic port number assigned to the web browser is 49152, the socket for the web page would be
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns port numbers. IANA is a standards body that is responsible for assigning various addressing standards.
There are different types of port numbers:
Well Known Ports (Numbers 0 to 1023) - These numbers are reserved for services and applications. They are commonly used for applications such as HTTP (web server) POP3/SMTP (e-mail server) and Telnet. By defining these well-known ports for server applications, client applications can be programmed to request a connection to that specific port and its associated service.
Registered Ports (Numbers 1024 to 49151) - These port numbers are assigned to user processes or applications. These processes are primarily individual applications that a user has chosen to install rather than common applications that would receive a Well Known Port. When not used for a server resource, these ports may also be used dynamically selected by a client as its source port.
Dynamic or Private Ports (Numbers 49152 to 65535) - Also known as Ephemeral Ports, these are usually assigned dynamically to client applications when initiating a connection. It is not very common for a client to connect to a service using a Dynamic or Private Port (although some peer-to-peer file sharing programs do).
Using both TCP and UDP
Some applications may use both TCP and UDP. For example, the low overhead of UDP enables DNS to serve many client requests very quickly. Sometimes, however, sending the requested information may require the reliability of TCP. In this case, the well known port number of 53 is used by both protocols with this service.
Minggu, 26 April 2009
cara memamfaatkan domain parking
Mungkinkah mendapatkan ribuan dollar per bulan dari bisnis domain parking?? Absolutely Yess.. (wuihh.. mantap bgt bahasa Bataknya) hehe. Aku bisa membantu teman-teman untuk mendapatkan ribuan dollar dari bisnis domain parking. Silahkan mendaftar ke beberapa service domain parking berikut. (Harus di service domian parking ini ya.. kalo yang lain kagak bisa..)
- Trafficz.com
- Smartname.com
- Activeaudience.com
- Goldkey
- Domainsponsor
- Hitfarm
- Ddc.com
Nah account kamu harus di approve dulu baru bisa bermain domain parkingnya. Kalau account kamu sudah di approve di salah satu service domain parking diatas langsung hubungi aku atau tinggalkan comment disini ntar aku akan menghubungi kamu. Aku akan memberikan langkah selanjutnya tips n trik bagaimana mendapatkan ribuan dollar dari service domain parking tersebut.
Kamis, 23 April 2009
How to publicise your site
How do you make a blog stand out?
There are so many blogs and so much competition that it can be difficult to attract readers.
However, there are simple ways to gain publicity for your blog.
Here are ten tips to help you market your blog.
1. Blog Frequently
Readers like to see fresh content.
It is very annoying to click on a favorite blog only to discover that it hasn’t been updated for a long time.
It’s a good idea to tell visitors if you are unable to blog for a while so that they will still come back to check if there are new posts.
2. Relevant Content
Content should be relevant to the topic and helpful, especially if you write a business blog.
Posts shouldn’t be about fairies if the blog concerns gadgets, for example.
Readers may forgive posts that are off-topic occasionally but they are likely to get irritated if these are written too often.
3. Include Photos
Attractive photos that accompany the topic will improve the look of your blog.
Photos that you’ve taken yourself may add a personal touch, although this may not be professional if you write a business blog.
4. Use Social Networking Sites
Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, can provide excellent publicity for your blog.
Some writers create a page on Facebook just for their blog.
These sites also provide ways to form and join web communities, such as groups interested in a particular topic.
5. Use Forums
Many forums, such as the Digital Point Forums, allow users to post signatures.
These are links to your website and blog placed at the end of your post.
Many users of forums like to click on to these and see different websites.
It is also a good idea to write posts to the forums which include links to relevant posts on your blog.
6. Your Website
Karen Bryan, the author of Business Blog Boost, writes that placing the titles, date and the first line of her 3 most recent blog posts on the home page of her travel website is an excellent way to publicise her blog.
She states that: “It means that any visitors to my website notice that the site has a blog and they can click on a post title to read the full post.”
7. A Virtual Tour
Many owners of blogs go on virtual tours to gain extra publicity.
This means contacting writers of blogs who are interested in your subject, scheduling the tour, and publicising it on your website and blog.
This is especially useful for authors who want to attract readers for their books.
It’s a good idea to have the tour so that it ‘ties in with your other marketing efforts, e.g. a multi-city book tour or reviews in print publications’, according to the article, ‘Blog Touring 101: Around the Blogosphere in Eighty Days’, at Future Perfect Publishing.com.
8. Start Or Join A Blog Carnival
Blog carnivals are weekly or monthly lists of blog posts about a particular topic.
This is another useful way to attract readers to your blog and network with other writers.
You can join one or start one yourself.
9. Links and Comments
Provide many links to blogs that you think are useful.
Write to the owners of these blogs to request that they link back to your site.
Also write comments on as many blogs as you can.
These are two easy ways to generate awareness of your blog.
10. Keywords
Don’t forget the importance of keywords, i.e. words that are relevant to your topic and reflect what your post is about.
These make it easier for search engines to find your blog.
These ideas should be enough to start with.
Even if a blog is excellent, it’s unlikely to be an overnight phenomenon.
It takes time to attract readers and comments so remember not to give up.
Selasa, 21 April 2009
Money blogging
These are the blogs that I read which are related to make money blogging.
ProBlogger - www.problogger.net/
Blogging Tips - www.bloggingtips.com/
Daily Blog Tips - www.dailyblogtips.com/
Dosh Dosh - www.doshdosh.com/
John Chow - www.johnchow.com/
Shoemoney - www.shoemoney.com/
BloggerBuster - www.bloggerbuster.com/
and of course - EzyBlogger - www.ezyblogger.com/
I have learned a lot about blogging and making money on the internet from these top blogggers.
I have and you can benefit from reading these blogs too.
Why don’t you share the blogs that you like to read…
pengertian Inflasi dan Deflasi
Untuk mengerti apa itu inflasi, pertama kita harus mengidentifikasikan arti dari kata inflasi tersebut. Menurut kamus Ekonomi definisi dari inflasi adalah: Kenaikan harga dari sekeranjang barang atau jasa yan menggambarkan perekonomian secara keseluruhan.
Definisi yang sama dari inflasi tersebut didefinisikan oleh ekonom Parkin dan bade: menurut mereka inflasi adalah pergerakan kearah atas dari tingkatan harga. Ini berlawanan dengan deflasi, pergerakan menurun dari tingkatan harga. Batasan anatar a inflasi dan deflasi adalah stabilitas harga. Secara mendasar ini berhubungan dengan harga, hal ini bisa juga disebut dengan berapa banyaknya uang (rupiah) untuk memperoleh barang tersebut.
Untuk mengetahui bagaimana sampai ini terjadi, kita mengambil contoh 2 komoditas: Buah jeruk dipetik dari pohonnya, dan uang dicetak oleh pemerintah, dalam tahun yang sama terjadi musim panas dan kelangkaan terhadap buah jeruk tersebut, kita akan melihat bahwa harga jeruk ini akan naik, karena dengan jumlah uang yang sama sedangkan jumlah buah jeruk yang terbatas, sebaliknya apabila terjadi kelebihan stok dari buah jeruk harga jeruk akan turun, tujuannya adalah supaya persediaan jeruk tersebut cepat untuk habis.
Contoh diatas adalah skenario dari inflasi dan deflasi yang dalam dunia nyata inflasi dan deflasi berubah dalam rata-rata harga dari barang atau jasa dan hal ini terjadi bukan hanya sekali.
Kita juga dapat mengalami inflasi dan deflasi dengan perubahan dalam jumlah uang dalam sistem peredarannya. Jika pemerintah memutuskan untuk mencetak uang dalam jumlah yang besar dengan jumlah barang yang terbatas maka orang cendrung akan konsumtif sehingga dapat menyebabkan inflasi. Inflasi dapat disebabkan oleh kombinasi dari empat faktor:1. Persediaan Uang yang bertambah The supply of money goes up.
2. Supply dari barang yang berkurang
3. Permintaan terhadap uang tersebut menurun
4. Permintaan untuk barang – barang lain naik.
Senin, 20 April 2009
How to make a fake credit card
Tech-savvy thieves have found a new way to commit credit card fraud by altering the data stored in magnetic strips on valid gift and credit cards.
This new “magstripe scam” has likely not become very widespread, as altering a card’s magentic strip data is very difficult. Special equipment is required to read and alter the strips and thieves must break a security code on the card itself and then defeat an automated system that watches for suspicious cards and activity.
Recently, a man was arrested at a mall restaurant in Edmonton, Canada. In his possession were thumb drives and computer printouts filled with credit card account data stolen from hundreds of U.S. and Canadian customers. Several prepaid gift cards issued by Visa and MasterCard as well as a device for embedding data on a magstripe were also found.
This follows the exposure of a Miami fraud ring in which six men used counterfeit credit cards to buy Wal-Mart gift cards. The men then used the cards to purchase $1 million in items at Sam’s Club, a subsidiary of Wal-Mart.
How to Use Twitter To Gain Blog Traffic
Twitter like other social networks is a great source of blog traffic if you use it correctly.
Twitter is not just for fun but can also be used much like other social networking media to gain more traffic.
In this case, you want to attract more blog traffic.
Twitter can help with that.
Like other social networks, millions of people use Twitter.
It is a micro-universe of potential visitors just waiting to be tapped.
The question is how to get them to take a look at you.
First of all, sign up for an account if you don’t already have one.
You can’t find the right people unless you get in the game.
Don’t worry about creating a business account at this point.
You are only concerned with connecting with people now.
Next, get involved.
Read other people’s tweets; join as a follower for popular tweeters.
You can use Twitter applications to track the tweets of others and also do keyword searches for interesting tweets.
Tweetlater is great twitter tool for those looking for something more.
Comment on current tweets and get a feel for how it works and who everyone is following.
The best thing about Twitter is that it works in real time from your PC.
You can ask questions to find out any type of information.
If you are looking for followers (Twitter friends) interested in blogging (if that is what your blog is about), pose the question in a tweet and wait for responses.
You’ll be surprised what you hear back.
Posing questions is one way to find suitable traffic for your blog.
You want more visitors but the kind of visitors who are likely to come back and buy from you if you are selling a product.
It is a research tool that returns immediate results.
More advice…
There are a few things to observe.
In your tweets, use keywords.
It might be hard with so few characters, but you want to include searchable words that anyone will enter into a Twitter search engine to find your tweets.
Don’t be a spammer.
If your tweets always include links to your blog or your work on other sites, people will get the idea that you are not there to connect but just to fill the site with links.
Use the site to find others with similar business interests or to pose interesting views and get feedback.
You can link to your blog when appropriate but don’t overdo it or people will get that fishy feeling about you.
It takes time to build up a following of followers on Twitter just like any other social networking site.
The plus with Twitter is that the results are more immediate that with other social sites.
Find the targeted visitors you are after with a few questions and then join in the twittering to build a rapport that translates into more traffic.
Kamis, 16 April 2009
Auto Blog sebagai Blog Content Generator
Auto blog merupakan sebuah trend yang lagi berkembang saat ini oleh para internet marketer/MMO-ers, auto blog merupakan blog yang diupdate secara otomatis, seluruh isi atau content dari blog tersebut di generate secara otomatis berdasarkan keyword-keyword yang kita masukan, konsepnya sama seperti SEOParking dan WhyPark. Kita tidak perlu lagi menulis artikel karena seluruh artikel digenerate sendiri. Bedanya dengan SEOParking dan WhyPark adalah kita tidak perlu mendaftar ke layanan seperti mereka, yang hanya kita perlukan adalah sebuah blog wordpress dan plugin AutoBlog nya. Plugin ini yang akan secara otomatis memposting artikel di blog kita, So bagi blogger yang berkecimpung di dunia MMO ini merupakan sebuah trik atau kesempatan untuk membangun banyak blog tanpa harus pusing dengan contentnya, sekarang kita bisa membuat 10, 100 bahkan 1000 blog tanpa susah payah untuk menulis artikelnya, semuanya dilakukan secara otomatis. Seperti prinsip nya Much Blog = Much Earning. Blog2 ini bisa kita monetize dengan adsense, affiliate dll. Sekarang kita hanya focus kepada Keyword Research dan SEO nya, sedangkan untuk content blog tersebut serahkan kepada plugin2 auto blog tersebut.
Yang masih misteri adalah darimanakah artikel2 ini berasal? Artikel2 ini merupakan artikel2 yang dicaplok dari berbagai sumber di jagad raya dan kemudian di rewite kembali, beberapa plugin bahkan bisa langsung mentranslate artikel tersebut ke dalam berbagai bahasa, plugin yang lainnya mendapatkan artikel dari RSS yang ada di jagad raya ini. Banyak metode yang dilakukan plugin ini untuk mendapatkan artikel. Nah apakah ini berdampak dengan masalah duplicate post? Kemungkinan besar ya, namun tujuan beberapa orang menggunakan auto blog adalah hanya ingin membuat blog yang siap di monetize tanpa effort yang tinggi dan bukan untuk membuat blog yang memiliki unik content yang berkualitas, sehingga kadang kala penggunaan auto blog ini dikategorikan BlackHat.
Jika anda mempunyai domain2 yang menganggur anda bisa juga menggunakan auto blog ini, dengan harapan jika domain anda berisi artikel yang terus otomatis terupdate setiap hari akan meningkatkan rating SERP domain anda di google. Ya itu semua tergantung kebutuhan kita dan tujuan kita menggunakan auto blog plugin ini, yang pasti plugin ini sangat berguna bagiku untuk memonetize domain2 yang tidak terpakai, mumpung bisnis domain parking lagi lesu. Berikut ini plugin-plugin auto blog untuk wordpress:
- Caffeinated Content,
- YACG - Yet Another Content Generator
- Wordpress WriteAgain!
- WP Drip Feeder
- Unique Content Maker
- Autoblogged
- WP-o-matic
- My Video Blog
- Unique Article Wizard Plugin
Selasa, 14 April 2009
How to Download and Save All Images, Icons, Embed Flash and Media Files on a Web Page in Firefox 3
To download and save all web page’s graphics, images, icons, media and other files, click on the site identification icon to the left of the Location Bar.
The Site Identity Information button is the new feature of Firefox 3, and normally represented by the favorite icon (favicon.ico) of the website. When clicked, a dialog will display information about the site with a “More Information” button. Click on the More Information… button to open “Page Info” dialog panel.
Click on the Media tab. All elements such as background, image, icon and embed on the web pages are listed in the elements listing, together with their respective address link location. Some graphics even come with a preview. Select and highlight any element that wants to be saved, then click on Save As button.
To download and save all file elements on the web pages, press Ctrl-A to select all (everything), then click on Save As.
Senin, 13 April 2009
Cara memperbaiki booting Windows XP
Jika Windows XP Anda rusak (corrupted) dimana Anda tidak mempunyai sistem operasi lain untuk booting,Anda dapat melakukan perbaikan instalasi (Repair Install) yang bekerja sebagaimana setting (pengaturan) yang awal.
- Pastikan Anda mempunyai kunci (key) Windows XP yang valid.
- Keseluruhan proses akan memakan waktu kurang lebih 1/2 atau 1 jam, tergantung spek komputer Anda.
- Jika Anda dimintai password administrator, sebaiknya Anda memilih opsi perbaikan (repair) yang kedua,
bukan yang pertama.
- Masukkan CD Windows XP Anda dan lakukan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Ketika sudah muncul opsi perbaikan kedua R=Repair, tekan tombol R
Ini akan memulai perbaikan.
- Tekan tombol F8 untuk menyetujui proses selanjutnya “I Agree at the Licensing Agreement”
- Tekan tombol R saat direktori tempat Windows XP Anda terinstal. Biasanya C:\WINDOWS
Selanjutnya akan dilakukan pengecekan drive C: dan mulai menyalin file-file.
Dan secara otomatis restart jika diperlukan. Biarkan CD Anda dalam drivenya.
- Berikutnya Anda akan melihat sebuah gambar “progress bar” yang merupakan bagian dari perbaikan,
dia nampak seperti instalasi XP normal biasanya, meliputi “Collecting Information, Dynamic Update,
Preparing Installation, Installing Windows, Finalizing Installation”.
- Ketika ditanya, klik tombol Next
- Ketika ditanya untuk memasukkan kunci, masukkan kunci (key) Windows XP Anda yang valid.
- Normalnya Anda menginginkan tetap berada dalam nama Domain atau Workgroup yang sama.
- Komputer akan restart.
- Kemudian Anda akan mempunyai layar yang sama sebagaimana pengaktifan sistem ketika instalasi normal.
- Register jika Anda menginginkannya (biasanya tidak diperlukan).
- Selesai
Sekarang Anda bisa log in dengan account Anda yang sudah ada.
2. NTOSKRNL Rusak atau Hilang (Missing or Corrupt)
Jika Anda mendapati pesan error bahwa “NTOSKRNL not found” / NTOSKRNL tak ditemukan, lakukan:
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Pindahlah ke drive CD Drive Anda berada.
- Ketik: CD i386
- Ketik: expand ntkrnlmp.ex_ C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe
- Jika Windows XP Anda terinstal di tempat lain, maka ubahlah sesuai dengan lokasinya.
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
3. HAL.DLL Rusak atau Hilang (Missing or Corrupt)
Jika Anda mendapatkan error berkenaan dengan rusak atau hilangnya file hal.dll, ada kemungkinan
file BOOT.INI mengalami salah konfigurasi (misconfigured).
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Ketik: bootcfg /list
Menampilkan isi/masukan pada file BOOT.INI saat ini
- Ketik: bootcfg /rebuild
Memperbaiki konfigurasi dari file BOOT.INI
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
4. Direktori \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG rusak atau hilang
Jika Anda mendapatkan error dengan tulisan:
“Windows could not start because the following files is missing or corrupt
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Masukkan password administrator jika diperlukan.
- Ketik: cd \windows\system32\config
- Berikutnya tergantung di bagian mana letak terjadinya kerusakan:
- Ketik: ren software software.rusak ATAU ren system system.rusak
- Berikutnya lagi juga tergantung di bagian mana letak terjadinya kerusakan:
- Ketik: copy \windows\repair\system
- Ketik: copy \windows\repair\software
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
5. NTLDR atau NTDETECT.COM tak ditemukan (NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM Not Found)
Jika Anda mendapati error bahwa NTLDR tak ditemukan saat booting:
a. Untuk partisi tipe FAT
- Silakan Anda melakukan booting dari disket Win98 Anda dan salinlah file NTLDR atau NTDETECT.COM
dari direktori i386 ke drive induk (root) C:\
b. Untuk partisi tipe NTFS
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Masukkan password administrator jika diperlukan.
- Masukkan perintah berikut, dimana X: adalah alamat drive dari CD ROM Anda (Sesuaikan!).
- Ketik: COPY X:\i386\NTLDR C\:
- Ketik: COPY X:\i386\NTDETECT.COM C:\
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
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