Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

How to get started PHP - My first PHP

create one file: myFirst.php
insert this code:
echo "Hi, I'm a PHP script! and this is my fist php";

save the file in:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs

to see the result open your browser and type:


How to get started PHP - instalation

below the information how to get started PHP.

- php 528
- apache 226

step of instalation
1. install the apache server.
just execute apache_2.2.xxxx.msi file (double click)
after installation complete to test installation open browser and type: http://localhost
if its show "its work" mean your installation have successful
2. install php 528
due php installation its require to select the server, in this case you must select the apache

3. on httpd.conf (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf (if you install in standard directory))

insert this script:
# for php 5 do something like this
LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
#configure the path to php.ini
PHPIniDir "C:/php/"

#insert in below ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/cgi-bin/"

5. on php.ini
find "extension_dir = "fill with "extension_dir = C:\php\ext",

you can open the php.ini from C:\PHP (if your instalation on this directory)

ScriptAlias /php/ "C:/php/"

you can start your love in PHP

nice try............

Minggu, 22 Februari 2009

Netstat use to show the network activity

this information use in linux operating system

- show routing table :
#netstat -rn
-> -r : Kernel routing table
-> -n : Menampilkan alamat numerik.

- show statistik interface :
#netstat -i
-> -i : Interface

-command to swow informasi addinginterface :
#netstat -ie
-> -i : Interface
-> -e : Extended information
command ini sama dengan perintah “ifconfig -a”

- perintah menamplikan soket network :
#netstat -uta
-> -u : UDP
-> -t : TCP
-> -a : ALL
Kemungkinan yg muncul dari status soket adalah sebagai berikut :
ESTABLISHED : Koneksi terjalin
SYN_SENT : Soket berusaha untuk menjalin koneksi
SYN_RECV : Request koneksi sudah diterima dari network
FIN_WAIT1 : Soket close, dan koneksi shutdown
FIN_WAIT2 : Soket close, dan soket menunggu sisi remote shutdown
TIME_WAIT : Soket menunggu setelah close utk menangani paket yg masih di network
CLOSED : Soket tidak digunakan
CLOSE_WAIT : Sisi remote sudah shutdown, menunggu soket close.
LAST_ACK : Sisi remote sudah shutdown, dan soket sudah close, menunggu ack.
LISTEN : Soket sedang menerima koneksi
CLOSING : 2 sisi soket shutwodn
UNKNOWN : Meneketehe

- perintah menampilkan semua soket yg open (info tambahan) :
#netstat -aute
-> -a : ALL
-> -u : UDP
-> -t : TCP
-> -e : Extended

- perintah menampilkan semua soket yg listen
# netstat -lt
-> -t : TCP
-> -l : Status soket

- perintah menampilkan kesimpulan statistik dari tiap protokol
#netstat -s
-> -s : Summary statistik dari tiap protokol

Yahoo Matikan 12 Layanan

Berikut adalah daftar lengkap layanan Yahoo yang akan dihentikan: 1. Yahoo Axis, browser plug-in (28 Juni) 2. Yahoo Browser Plus, layan...